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Pirate loot, even!

One of my favorite writing blogs, Magical Words, is a group effort by several authors. A few I’d read before finding the blog; most were new to me, but I’ve made an effort to get to know all of their fiction better. I like reading this and other author blogs: it helps to remind me that people do successfully write fiction, and that every writer has a different way of approaching that process.

In December several of the authors ran contests with signed books as prizes. Misty Massey asked for holiday humor. I told a mildly risque joke made surreal by my younger brother (thereby probably embarrassing him thoroughly, if only he knew). And won!

Pirate loot

Not only do I have a signed copy of Mad Kestrel, which you all should rush out and purchase (strong female lead, magic, pirates!), but Misty threw in goodies – pirate stickers, a bandana, and best of all, pirate duckies!

pirate duckies

Those were very nearly nabbed as I was unpacking the box, and only quick action saved the poor duckies from ducknapping!

Thanks Misty!


  1. Sally says:

    OMG, those duckies are cute.

    And goodie, another author for me to discover.

  2. Misty Massey says:

    I’m so glad you liked your loot! Good for you for protecting your duckie crew!
